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ssl_certificate (23) Versions 1.3.0

The main purpose of this cookbook is to make it easy for other cookbooks to support SSL. With the resource included, you will be able to manage certificates reading them from attributes, data bags or chef-vaults. Exposing its configuration through node attributes.

cookbook 'ssl_certificate', '= 1.3.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'ssl_certificate', '= 1.3.0'
knife supermarket install ssl_certificate
knife supermarket download ssl_certificate
Quality 100%


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The main purpose of this cookbook is to make it easy for other cookbooks to support SSL. With the resource included, you will be able to manage certificates reading them from attributes, data bags or chef-vaults. Exposing its configuration through node attributes.

Much of the code in this cookbook is heavily based on the SSL implementation from the owncloud cookbook.

Table of Contents


Supported Platforms

This cookbook has been tested on the following platforms:

  • Amazon Linux
  • CentOS
  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • FreeBSD
  • RedHat
  • Ubuntu

Please, let us know if you use it successfully on any other platform.

Required Applications

  • Chef >= 11.14.2.
  • Ruby 1.9.3 or higher.


Attribute Default Description
node['ssl_certificate']['user'] 'root' Default SSL files owner user.
node['ssl_certificate']['group'] calculated Default SSL files owner group.
node['ssl_certificate']['key_dir'] calculated Default SSL key directory.
node['ssl_certificate']['cert_dir'] calculated Default SSL certificate directory.

Service Attributes

The following attributes are used to integrate SSL specific configurations with different services (Apache, nginx, ...). They are used internally by the apache and nginx templates.

Attribute Default Description
node['ssl_certificate']['service']['cipher_suite'] nil Service default SSL cipher suite.
node['ssl_certificate']['service']['protocols'] nil Service default SSL protocols.
node['ssl_certificate']['service']['apache'] calculated Apache web service httpd specific SSL attributes.
node['ssl_certificate']['service']['nginx'] calculated nginx web service specific SSL attributes.
node['ssl_certificate']['service']['compatibility'] nil Service SSL compatibility level (See below).
node['ssl_certificate']['service']['use_hsts'] true Whether to enable HSTS in the service.
node['ssl_certificate']['service']['use_stapling'] calculated Whether to enable OCSP stapling in the service (nginx only, use node['apache']['mod_ssl']['use_stapling'] for apache).

See the ServiceHelpers class documentation to learn how to integrate them with new services.



Creates a SSL certificate.

By default the resource will create a self-signed certificate, but a custom one can also be used. The custom certificate can be read from several sources:

  • Attribute
  • Data Bag
  • Encrypted Data Bag
  • Chef Vault
  • File

ssl_certificate Actions

  • create: Creates the SSL certificate.

ssl_certificate Parameters

<td>Node namespace to read the default values from, something like <code>node['myapp']</code>. See the documentation below for more information on how to use the namespace.</td>
<td>Server name or <em>Common Name</em>, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td><code>common_name</code> method alias.</td>
<td><em>Country</em>, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td><em>City</em>, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td><em>State</em> or <em>Province</em> name, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td><em>Organization</em> or <em>Company</em> name, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td>Department or <em>Organizational Unit</em>, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td><em>Email</em> address, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td>Attribute for setting self-signed certificate validity time in seconds or <code>Time</code> object instance.</td>
<td><code>10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60</code></td>
<td>Write only attribute for setting self-signed certificate validity period in years.</td>
<td>Certificate files owner user.</td>
<td>Certificate files owner group.</td>
<td>Write only attribute for setting certificate path and key path (both) to a directory (<code>key_dir</code> and <code>cert_dir</code>).</td>
<td>Write only attribute for setting certificate source and key source (both) to a value (<code>key_source</code> and <code>cert_source</code>). Can be <code>'self-signed'</code>, <code>'attribute'</code>, <code>'data-bag'</code>, <code>'chef-vault'</code> or <code>'file'</code>.</td>
<td>Write only attribute for setting certificate bag and key bag (both) to a value (<code>key_bag</code> and <code>cert_bag</code>).</td>
<td>Write only attribute for setting certificate item name and key bag item name (both) to a value (<code>key_item</code> and <code>cert_item</code>).</td>
<td>Write only attribute for setting certificate encryption and key encryption (both) to a value (<code>key_encrypted</code> and <code>cert_encrypted</code>).</td>
<td>Write only attribute for setting certificate chef secret file and key chef secret file (both) to a value (<code>key_secret_file</code> and <code>cert_secret_file</code>).</td>
<td>Private key full path.</td>
<td>Private key file name.</td>
<td>Private key directory path.</td>
<td>Source type to get the SSL key from. Can be <code>'self-signed'</code>, <code>'attribute'</code>, <code>'data-bag'</code>, <code>'chef-vault'</code> or <code>'file'</code>.</td>
<td>Name of the Data Bag where the SSL key is stored.</td>
<td>Name of the Data Bag Item where the SSL key is stored.</td>
<td>Key of the Data Bag Item where the SSL key is stored.</td>
<td>Whether the Data Bag where the SSL key is stored is encrypted.</td>
<td>Secret file used to decrypt the Data Bag where the SSL key is stored.</td>
<td>SSL key file content in clear. <strong>Be careful when using it.<strong></td>
<td>Public certificate full path.</td>
<td>Public certiticate file name.</td>
<td>Public certificate directory path.</td>
<td>Source type to get the SSL cert from. Can be <code>'self-signed'</code>,
<code>'with_ca'</code>, <code>'attribute'</code>, <code>'data-bag'</code>,
<code>'chef-vault'</code> or <code>'file'</code>.</td>
<td>Name of the Data Bag where the SSL cert is stored.</td>
<td>Name of the Data Bag Item where the SSL cert is stored.</td>
<td>Key of the Data Bag Item where the SSL cert is stored.</td>
<td>Whether the Data Bag where the SSL cert is stored is encrypted.</td>
<td>Secret file used to decrypt the Data Bag where the SSL cert is stored.</td>
<td>SSL cert file content in clear.</td>
<td>Subject Alternate Names for the cert.</td>
<td>Intermediate certificate chain full path.</td>
<td>File name of intermediate certificate chain file.</td>
<td>Intermediate certificate chain directory path.</td>
<td>Source type to get the intermediate certificate chain from. Can be <code>'attribute'</code>, <code>'data-bag'</code>, <code>'chef-vault'</code> or <code>'file'</code>.</td>
<td>Name of the Data Bag where the intermediate certificate chain is stored.</td>
<td>Name of the Data Bag Item where the intermediate certificate chain is stored.</td>
<td>Key of the Data Bag Item where the intermediate certificate chain is stored.</td>
<td>Whether the Data Bag where the intermediate certificate chain is stored is encrypted.</td>
<td>Secret file used to decrypt the Data Bag where the intermediate certificate chain is stored.</td>
<td>Intermediate certificate chain file content in clear.</td>
<td>File name of intermediate certificate chain combined file (for <strong>nginx</strong>).</td>
<td>Intermediate certificate chain combined file full path (for <strong>nginx</strong>).</td>
<td>Certificate Authority full path.</td>
<td>Key Authority full path.</td>


This cookbook includes a simple VirtualHost template which can be used by the web_app definition from the apache2 cookbook:

cert = ssl_certificate 'my-webapp' do
  namespace node['my-webapp']
  notifies :restart, 'service[apache2]'

include_recipe 'apache2'
include_recipe 'apache2::mod_ssl'
web_app 'my-webapp' do
  cookbook 'ssl_certificate'
  server_name cert.common_name
  docroot # [...]
  # [...]
  ssl_key cert.key_path
  ssl_cert cert.cert_path
  ssl_chain cert.chain_path

Partial Templates

This cookbook contains partial templates that you can include in your virtualhost templates to enable and configure the SSL protocol. These partial templates are available:

  • apache.erb: For Apache httpd web server.
  • nginx.erb: For nginx web server.

Partial Templates Parameters

Parameter Default Description
ssl_cert nil Public SSL certificate full path.
ssl_key nil Private SSL key full path.
ssl_chain nil Intermediate SSL certificate chain full path (apache only) (optional).
ssl_compatibility node attribute SSL compatibility level (See below).

Apache Partial Template

Using web_app Definition

If you are using the web_app definition, you should pass the @params variables to the partial template:

web_app 'my-webapp-ssl'
  docroot node['apache']['docroot_dir']
  server_name cert.common_name
  # [...]
  ssl_key cert.key_path
  ssl_cert cert.cert_path
  ssl_chain cert.chain_path
<%# included by web_app definition %>
<VirtualHost *:443>
  ServerName <%= @params[:server_name] %>
  DocumentRoot <%= @params[:docroot] %>
  <%# [...] %>

  <%= render 'apache.erb', cookbook: 'ssl_certificate', variables: @params.merge(node: node) %>

Using template Resource

cert = ssl_certificate 'my-webapp-ssl'
template File.join(node['apache']['dir'], 'sites-available', 'my-webapp-ssl') do
  source 'apache_vhost.erb'
  # [...]
    # [...]
    ssl_key: cert.key_path,
    ssl_cert: cert.chain_combined_path,
    ssl_chain: cert.chain_path,

You can include the partial template as follows:

<%# included by template resource %>
<VirtualHost *:443>
  ServerName <%= @server_name %>
  DocumentRoot <%= @docroot %>
  <%# [...] %>

  <%= render 'apache.erb', cookbook: 'ssl_certificate' %>

Nginx Partial Template

If you are using nginx template, we recommended to use the SslCertificate#chain_combined_path path value to set the ssl_cert variable instead of SslCertificate#cert_path. That's to ensure we always include the chained certificate if there is one. This will also work when there is no chained certificate.

cert = ssl_certificate 'my-webapp-ssl'
template File.join(node['nginx']['dir'], 'sites-available', 'my-webapp-ssl') do
  source 'nginx_vhost.erb'
  # [...]
    # [...]
    ssl_key: cert.key_path,
    ssl_cert: cert.chain_combined_path

See examples below.

Securing Server Side TLS

You can change the SSL compatibility level based on the TLS recommendations in the Mozilla wiki using the ssl_compatibility template parameter:

cert = ssl_certificate 'my-webapp' do
  namespace node['my-webapp']
  notifies :restart, 'service[apache2]'

include_recipe 'apache2'
include_recipe 'apache2::mod_ssl'
web_app 'my-webapp' do
  cookbook 'ssl_certificate'
  server_name cert.common_name
  docroot # [...]
  # [...]
  ssl_key cert.key_path
  ssl_cert cert.cert_path
  ssl_chain cert.chain_path
  ssl_compatibility :modern # :modern | :intermediate | :old

You can also use the node['ssl_certificate']['service']['compatibility'] node attribute to change the compatibility level used by default.


Including the Cookbook

You need to include this recipe in your run_list before using the ssl_certificate resource:

  "name": "",
  "run_list": [

You can also include the cookbook as a dependency in the metadata of your cookbook:

# metadata.rb
depends 'ssl_certificate'

One of the two is enough. No need to do anything else. Only use the ssl_certificate resource to create the certificates you need.

A Short Example

cert = ssl_certificate 'webapp1' do
  namespace node['webapp1'] # optional but recommended
# you can now use the #cert_path and #key_path methods to use in your web/mail/ftp service configurations
log "WebApp1 certificate is here: #{cert.cert_path}"
log "WebApp1 private key is here: #{cert.key_path}"


The ssl_certificate namespace attribute is a node attribute path, like for example node[''], used to configure SSL certificate defaults. This will make easier to integrate the node attributes with the certificate creation matters. This means you can configure the certificate creation through node attributes.

When a namespace is set in the resource, it will try to read the following attributes below the namespace (all attributes are optional):

<td>Server name or Common Name, used for self-signed certificates (uses <code>node['fqdn']</code> by default).</td>
<td><em>Country</em>, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td><em>City</em>, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td><em>State</em> or <em>Province</em> name, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td><em>Organization</em> or <em>Company</em> name, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td>Department or <em>Organizational Unit</em>, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td><em>Email</em> address, used for self-signed certificates.</td>
<td>Attribute for setting certificate source and key source (both) to a value (<code>key_source</code> and <code>cert_source</code>).</td>
<td>Attribute for setting certificate bag and key bag (both) to a value (<code>key_bag</code> and <code>cert_bag</code>).</td>
<td>Attribute for setting certificate item name and key bag item name (both) to a value (<code>key_item</code> and <code>cert_item</code>).</td>
<td>Attribute for setting certificate encryption and key encryption (both) to a value (<code>key_encryption</code> and <code>cert_encryption</code>).</td>
<td>Attribute for setting certificate chef secret file and key chef secret file (both) to a value (<code>key_secret_file</code> and <code>cert_secret_file</code>).</td>
<td>Source type to get the SSL key from. Can be <code>'self-signed'</code>, <code>'attribute'</code>, <code>'data-bag'</code>, <code>'chef-vault'</code> or <code>'file'</code>.</td>
<td>File path of the SSL key.</td>
<td>Name of the Data Bag where the SSL key is stored.</td>
<td>Name of the Data Bag Item where the SSL key is stored.</td>
<td>Key of the Data Bag Item where the SSL key is stored.</td>
<td>Whether the Data Bag where the SSL key is stored is encrypted.</td>
<td>Secret file used to decrypt the Data Bag where the SSL key is stored.</td>
<td>SSL key content used when reading from attributes.</td>
<td>Source type to get the SSL cert from. Can be <code>'self-signed'</code>, <code>'attribute'</code>, <code>'data-bag'</code>, <code>'chef-vault'</code> or <code>'file'</code>.</td>
<td>File path of the SSL certificate.</td>
<td>Name of the Data Bag where the SSL cert is stored.</td>
<td>Name of the Data Bag Item where the SSL cert is stored.</td>
<td>Key of the Data Bag Item where the SSL cert is stored.</td>
<td>Whether the Data Bag where the SSL cert is stored is encrypted.</td>
<td>Secret file used to decrypt the Data Bag where the SSL cert is stored.</td>
<td>SSL cert content used when reading from attributes.</td>
<td>An array of Subject Alternate Names for the SSL cert. Needed if your site has multiple domain names on the same cert.</td>
<td>File name to be used for the intermediate certificate chain file. <em>If this is not present, no chain file will be written.</em></td>
<td>Source type to get the intermediate certificate chain from. Can be <code>'attribute'</code>, <code>'data-bag'</code>, <code>'chef-vault'</code> or <code>'file'</code>.</td>
<td>File path of the intermediate SSL certificate chain.</td>
<td>Name of the Data Bag where the intermediate certificate chain is stored.</td>
<td>Name of the Data Bag Item where the intermediate certificate chain is stored.</td>
<td>Key of the Data Bag Item where the intermediate certificate chain is stored.</td>
<td>Whether the Data Bag where the intermediate certificate chain is stored is encrypted.</td>
<td>Secret file used to decrypt the Data Bag where the intermediate certificate chain is stored.</td>
<td>Intermediate certificate chain content used when reading from attributes.</td>


Apache Examples

Apache web_app example using community apache2 cookbook and node attributes:

node.default['my-webapp']['common_name'] = ''
node.default['my-webapp']['ssl_cert']['source'] = 'self-signed'
node.default['my-webapp']['ssl_key']['source'] = 'self-signed'

# we need to save the resource variable to get the key and certificate file paths
cert = ssl_certificate 'my-webapp' do
  # we want to be able to use node['my-webapp'] to configure the certificate
  namespace node['my-webapp']
  notifies :restart, 'service[apache2]'

include_recipe 'apache2'
include_recipe 'apache2::mod_ssl'
web_app 'my-webapp' do
  # this cookbook includes a virtualhost template for apache2
  cookbook 'ssl_certificate'
  server_name cert.common_name
  docroot # [...]
  # [...]
  ssl_key cert.key_path
  ssl_cert cert.cert_path
  ssl_chain cert.chain_path

Using custom paths:

my_key_path = '/etc/keys/my-webapp.key'
my_cert_path = '/etc/certs/my-webapp.pem'

# there is no need to save the resource in a variable in this case because we know the paths
ssl_certificate 'my-webapp' do
  key_path my_key_path
  cert_path my_cert_path

# Configure Apache SSL
include_recipe 'apache2::mod_ssl'
web_app 'my-webapp' do
  cookbook 'ssl_certificate'
  # [...]
  ssl_key my_key_path
  ssl_cert my_cert_path

See templates documentation.

Nginx Example

Minimal nginx example using community nginx cookbook:

cert = ssl_certificate 'my-webapp' do
  notifies :restart, 'service[nginx]'

# Create a virtualhost for nginx
template File.join(node['nginx']['dir'], 'sites-available', 'my-webapp-ssl') do
  # You need to create a template for nginx to enable SSL support and read the
  # keys from ssl_key and ssl_chain_combined attributes.
  # You can use the *nginx.erb* partial template as shown below.
  source 'nginx_vhost.erb'
  mode 00644
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
    name: 'my-webapp-ssl',
    server_name: '',
    docroot: '/var/www',
    # [...]
    ssl_key: cert.key_path,
    ssl_cert: cert.chain_combined_path
  notifies :reload, 'service[nginx]'

# Enable the virtualhost
nginx_site 'my-webapp-ssl' do
  enable true

# publish the certificate to an attribute, it may be useful
node.set['web-app']['ssl_cert']['content'] = cert.cert_content

Here's a nginx template example using the nginx.erb partial template:

<%# nginx_vhost.erb %>
server {
  server_name <%= @server_name %>;
  listen 443;
  # Path to the root of your installation
  root <%= @docroot %>;

  access_log <%= node['nginx']['log_dir'] %>/<%= @name %>-access.log combined;
  error_log  <%= node['nginx']['log_dir'] %>/<%= @name %>-error.log;

  index index.html;
  <%# [...] %>

  <%= render 'nginx.erb', cookbook: 'ssl_certificate' %>

See templates documentation.

Reading the Certificate from Attributes

The SSL certificate can be read from an attribute directly:

# Setting the attributes
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['content'] = '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----[...]'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['content'] = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----[...]'

# Creating the certificate
ssl_certificate 'mysite' do
  common_name ''
  namespace node['mysite']
  # this will read the node['mysite']['ssl_key']['content'] and node['mysite']['ssl_cert']['content'] keys
  source 'attribute'

Alternative example using a namespace and node attributes:

# Setting the attributes
node.default['mysite']['common_name'] = ''
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['source'] = 'attribute'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['content'] = '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----[...]'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['source'] = 'attribute'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['content'] = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----[...]'

# Creating the certificate
ssl_certificate 'mysite' do
  namespace node['mysite']

Reading the Certificate from a Data Bag

ssl_certificate 'mysite' do
  common_name ''
  source 'data-bag'
  bag 'ssl_data_bag'
  key_item 'key' # data bag item
  key_item_key 'content' # data bag item json key
  cert_item 'cert'
  cert_item_key 'content'
  encrypted true
  secret_file '/path/to/secret/file' # optional

Alternative example using a namespace and node attributes:

# Setting the attributes
node.default['mysite']['common_name'] = ''

node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['source'] = 'data-bag'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['bag'] = 'ssl_data_bag'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['item'] = 'key'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['item_key'] = 'content'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['encrypted'] = true
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['secret_file'] = '/path/to/secret/file'

node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['source'] = 'data-bag'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['bag'] = 'ssl_data_bag'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['item'] = 'key'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['item_key'] = 'content'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['encrypted'] = true
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['secret_file'] = '/path/to/secret/file'

# Creating the certificate
ssl_certificate 'mysite' do
  namespace node['mysite']

Reading the Certificate from Chef Vault

ssl_certificate 'mysite' do
  common_name ''
  source 'chef-vault'
  bag 'ssl_vault_bag'
  key_item 'key' # data bag item
  key_item_key 'content' # data bag item json key
  cert_item 'cert'
  cert_item_key 'content'

The same example, using a namespace and node attributes:

# Setting the attributes
node.default['mysite']['common_name'] = ''

node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['source'] = 'chef-vault'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['bag'] = 'ssl_vault_bag'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['item'] = 'key'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['item_key'] = 'content'

node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['source'] = 'chef-vault'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['bag'] = 'ssl_vault_bag'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['item'] = 'key'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['item_key'] = 'content'

# Creating the certificate
ssl_certificate 'mysite' do
  namespace node['mysite']

Reading the Certificate from Files

ssl_certificate 'mysite' do
  common_name ''
  source 'file'
  key_path '/path/to/ssl/key'
  cert_path '/path/to/ssl/cert'

The same example, using a namespace and node attributes:

# Setting the attributes
node.default['mysite']['common_name'] = ''

node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['source'] = 'file'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['path'] = '/path/to/ssl/key'

node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['source'] = 'file'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['path'] = '/path/to/ssl/cert'

# Creating the certificate
ssl_certificate 'mysite' do
  namespace node['mysite']

Reading the Certificate from Different Places

You can also read the certificate and the private key from different places each:

ssl_certificate 'mysite' do
  common_name ''

  # Read the private key from chef-vault
  key_source 'chef-vault'
  key_bag 'ssl_vault_bag'
  key_item 'key' # data bag item
  key_item_key 'content' # data bag item json key

  # Read the public cert from a non-encrypted data bag
  cert_source 'data-bag'
  cert_bag 'ssl_data_bag'
  cert_item 'cert'
  cert_item_key 'content'
  cert_encrypted false

The same example, using a namespace and node attributes:

# Setting the attributes
node.default['mysite']['common_name'] = ''

# Read the private key from chef-vault
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['source'] = 'chef-vault'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['bag'] = 'ssl_vault_bag'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['item'] = 'key'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_key']['item_key'] = 'content'

# Read the public cert from a non-encrypted data bag
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['source'] = 'data-bag'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['bag'] = 'ssl_data_bag'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['item'] = 'key'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['item_key'] = 'content'
node.default['mysite']['ssl_cert']['encrypted'] = false

# Creating the certificate
ssl_certificate 'mysite' do
  namespace node['mysite']

Creating a Certificate with Subject Alternate Names

domain = ''
# SAN for,,,
node.default[ domain ]['ssl_cert']['subject_alternate_names'] = [ domain, 'foo.'+domain, 'bar.'+domain, 'www.' + domain ]

ssl_certificate '' do
  namespace node[ domain ]
  key_source 'self-signed'
  cert_source 'self-signed'

Reading Key, Certificate and Intermediary from a Data Bag

cert_name = 'chain-data-bag'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_key']['source'] = 'data-bag'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_key']['bag'] = 'ssl'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_key']['item'] = 'key'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_key']['item_key'] = 'content'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_key']['encrypted'] = true
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_cert']['source'] = 'data-bag'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_cert']['bag'] = 'ssl'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_cert']['item'] = 'cert'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_cert']['item_key'] = 'content'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_chain']['name'] = 'chain-ca-bundle.pem'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_chain']['source'] = 'data-bag'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_chain']['bag'] = 'ssl'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_chain']['item'] = 'chain'
node.default[cert_name]['ssl_chain']['item_key'] = 'content'

ssl_certificate 'chain-data-bag' do
  namespace cert_name

Creating a Certificate from a Certificate Authority

ca_cert = '/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/anchors/CA.crt'
ca_key = '/usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/anchors/CA.key'

cert = ssl_certificate 'test' do
  namespace node['']
  key_source 'self-signed'
  cert_source 'with_ca'
  ca_cert_path ca_cert
  ca_key_path ca_key

Reading the CA Certificate from a Chef Vault Bag

In this example, we read the CA certificate from a Chef Vault and use it to generate the shelf-signed certificates:

# Create the CA from a Chef Vault bag

ca_cert = ssl_certificate '' do
  common_name ''
  source 'chef-vault'
  bag 'ssl'
  item 'ca_cert'
  key_item_key 'key_content'
  cert_item_key 'cert_content'

ssl_certificate '' do
  cert_source 'with_ca'
  ca_cert_path ca_cert.cert_path
  ca_key_path ca_cert.key_path

The vault bag content:

  "id": "ca_cert",
  "key_content": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIE [...]",
  "cert_content": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIE [...]"

The knife command to create the vault bag item:

$ knife vault create ssl ca_cert [...]



ChefSpec Matchers


Helper method for locating a ssl_certificate resource in the collection.

resource = chef_run.ssl_certificate('postfixadmin')
expect(resource).to notify('service[apache2]').to(:restart)


Assert that the Chef run creates ssl_certificate.

expect(chef_run).to create_ssl_certificate('')


Please do not hesitate to open an issue with any questions or problems.




License and Author

Author: Raul Rodriguez (
Author: Xabier de Zuazo (
Contributor: Steve Meinel
Contributor: Djuri Baars
Contributor: Elliott Davis
Contributor: Jeremy MAURO
Contributor: Benjamin Nørgaard
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Onddo Labs, SL. (
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

abiquo Applicable Versions
boxbilling Applicable Versions
consul-cluster Applicable Versions
drone Applicable Versions
geminabox Applicable Versions
harbor Applicable Versions
kong Applicable Versions
mercury Applicable Versions
nginx_passenger Applicable Versions
open-build-service Applicable Versions
owncloud Applicable Versions
paramount Applicable Versions
postfix-dovecot Applicable Versions
postfixadmin Applicable Versions
vault-cluster Applicable Versions

ssl_certificate CHANGELOG

This file is used to list changes made in each version of the ssl_certificate cookbook.

v1.3.0 (2015-02-03)

  • Add namespace['source'] common attribute.
  • Fix chef vault source: chef_gem method not found error.
  • Fix #data_bag_read_fail method name.
  • README: Fix item_key attribute name.

v1.2.2 (2015-01-16)

  • Fix unit tests: Run the tests agains Chef 11 and Chef 12.

v1.2.1 (2015-01-16)

  • Fix key content when using 'file' source.

v1.2.0 (2015-01-07)

  • Fix file source path in attributes.
  • Fix "stack level too deep" error with CA certificates.
  • Nginx template: Add ssl on; directive.
  • Remove setting CA in apache template (bad idea).
  • Rename template helpers to service helpers.
    • Document ServiceHelpers methods.
  • README: Some small fixes.

v1.1.0 (2015-01-02)

  • Fix FreeBSD support.
  • Allow to change the certificate file owner.
  • Web server template improvements:
    • Fix Apache 2.4 support.
    • Add partial templates for Apache and nginx.
    • Add CA certificate file support.
    • Add adjustable SSL compatibility level.
    • Add OCSP stapling support.
    • Enable HSTS and stapling by default.
  • Fix all integration tests.

v1.0.0 (2014-12-30)

  • Bugfix: Cannot read SSL intermediary chain from data bag.
  • Fix Directory Permissions for Apache 2.4 (issue #7, thanks Elliott Davis).
  • Add CA support for self signed certificates (issue #8, thanks Jeremy MAURO).
  • Apache template:
    • Disable SSLv3 by default (breaking change).
    • Add chained certificate support.
    • Allow to change the cipher suite and protocol in the apache template.
  • Big code clean up:
    • Split resource code in multiple files.
    • Remove duplicated code.
    • Integrate with foodcritic.
    • Integrate with RuboCop.
    • Integrate with should_not gem.
    • Integrate with travis-ci, codeclimate and gemnasium.
    • Homogenize license headers.
  • Add ChefSpec unit tests.
  • Add integration tests: bats and Serverspec.
  • Update Gemfile and Berksfile files.
  • Add Guardfile.
  • Add LICENSE file.

v0.4.0 (2014-11-19)

  • Add Apache 2.4 support (issue #4, thanks Djuri Baars).
  • Add supported platform list.
  • kitchen.yml completed and updated.

v0.3.0 (2014-11-03)

Special thanks to Steve Meinel for his great contributions.

  • Add Subject Alternate Names support for certs (issue #2, thanks Steve Meinel).
  • Add support for deploying an intermediate cert chain file (issue #3, thanks Steve Meinel).
  • ChefSpec matchers: add helper methods to locate LWRP resources.
  • README: Chef 11.14.2 required.
  • TODO: complete it with more tasks and use checkboxes.

v0.2.1 (2014-09-14)

  • ssl_certificate resource notifications fixed (issue #1, thanks Matt Graham for reporting)

v0.2.0 (2014-08-13)

  • Added ChefSpec ssl_certificate matcher
  • Fixed: undefined method "key_path" for nil:NilClass
  • README: fixed ruby syntax highlighting in one example

v0.1.0 (2014-04-15)

  • Initial release of ssl_certificate

Foodcritic Metric

1.3.0 passed this metric