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mysql_tuning (10) Versions 0.2.1

Tries to create MySQL configuraiton better suited for your system.

cookbook 'mysql_tuning', '= 0.2.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'mysql_tuning', '= 0.2.1'
knife supermarket install mysql_tuning
knife supermarket download mysql_tuning
Quality 100%


Cookbook Version
Dependency Status
Code Climate
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This cookbook creates a generic MySQL server configuration, presumably more optimized for your current machine than the default configuration.

Of course, depending on your application your requirements may change and MySQL is a really complex application. So, in some cases, this cookbook will not help you much. But hopefully may serve as a point of departure.

Warning: This cookbook will not configure MySQL for you. Use it with care. But if you have ideas to improve it, you are more than welcome \(^o^)/.


Supported Platforms

This cookbook has been tested on the following platforms:

  • Amazon
  • CentOS
  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • FreeBSD
  • Red Hat
  • Ubuntu

Please, let us know if you use it successfully on any other platform.

Required Cookbooks

Required Applications

  • Ruby 1.9.3 or higher.
  • MySQL 5.0 or higher.


Using with MySQL Cookbook

This cookbook has been created to be used mainly with the Chef's official MySQL cookbook. The MySQL cookbook must be included before calling this cookbook recipes or using the resources:

# in your recipe
include_recipe 'mysql::server'
include_recipe 'mysql_tuning::default'

But it could also work with other cookbooks. The only requirement is that the used MySQL cookbook creates an included directory in the MySQL configuration file. For example:

# my.cnf
!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d

Then, make sure that this directory is correctly set in the node['mysql_tuning']['include_dir'] attribute. You may also need to set the node['mysql_tuning']['recipe'] and the node['mysql']['service_name'] attribute (or the mysql_tuning#service_name parameter).

The official MySQL cookbook takes care of adding the includedir itself and should work out of the box.

Configured Variables

This cookbook will try to set some variable values depending mainly on the system memory.

The following variables will be configured by default inside tuning.cnf:

  • mysqld
    • key_buffer_size
    • max_allowed_packet
    • table_open_cache
    • sort_buffer_size
    • read_buffer_size
    • read_rnd_buffer_size
    • join_buffer_size
    • net_buffer_length
    • myisam_sort_buffer_size
    • bulk_insert_buffer_size
    • myisam_max_sort_file_size
    • thread_stack
    • query_cache_size
    • query_cache_limit
    • binlog_cache_size
    • max_allowed_packet
    • thread_cache_size
    • innodb_buffer_pool_size
    • innodb_additional_mem_pool_size
    • innodb_log_buffer_size
    • innodb_log_files_in_group
    • innodb_lock_wait_timeout
    • innodb_write_io_threads
    • innodb_read_io_threads
    • innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct
    • max_connections
    • max_connect_errors
    • max_heap_table_size
    • tmp_table_size
  • mysqldump
    • quick
    • max_allowed_packet
  • mysql
    • no-auto-rehash
  • myisamchk
    • key_buffer_size
    • sort_buffer_size
    • read_buffer
    • write_buffer
  • mysqlhotcopy
    • interactive-timeout
  • mysqld_safe
    • open-files-limit

The following variables will be configured by default inside logging.cnf:

  • mysqld
    • expire_logs_days
    • slow_query_log
    • slow_query_log_file

Creating Your Own Configuration Files

This cookbook creates the following configuration files by default:

  • tuning.cnf: This configuration file will be calculated from samples in node['mysql_tuning']['configuration_samples'].
  • logging.cnf: This configuration file will set some log options, read from node['mysql_tuning']['logging.cnf'].

You can create your own configuration files using the following attribute format: node['mysql_tuning']["#{filename}.cnf"].

But you can also change the tuning.cnf (or logging.cnf) variables by setting them in the corresponding attribute:

node.default['mysql_tuning']['tuning.cnf']['mysqld']['query_cache_size'] = 0

If you want to enable a boolean variable (those with <span>skip-</span> prefix), you can set it to true (or false to disable it):

node.default['mysql_tuning']['tuning.cnf']['mysqld']['skip-innodb'] = true
node.default['mysql_tuning']['tuning.cnf']['mysqld']['skip-name-resolve'] = true

For those variables that have different names in different versions of MySQL, the node['mysql_tuning']['old_names'] attribute will try to help you. This last attribute comes with a recommended default value.

Configuration Variables Interpolation

MySQL variable values can be interpolated from configuration samples. The default samples are in node['mysql_tuning']['configuration_samples'] and are based on MySQL 5.5.38 example configuration files. These samples will be used to generate the tuning.cnf configuration file.

You can avoid the interpolation of some variables by setting them directly in the node['mysql_tuning']['tuning.cnf'] attribute:

node.default['mysql_tuning']['tuning.cnf']['mysqld']['table_open_cache'] = 200

This cookbook will use 'proximal' interpolation by default. But your can choose another algorithm changing the node['mysql_tuning']['interpolation'] attribute. Be careful when using this feature because it should be considered experimental.

Currently, the following algorithms are supported:

query_cache_size Interpolation Chart

There are some charts for variables generated from configuration samples here.

You can use different interpolation algorithms for some variables by setting them in the node['mysql_tuning']['interpolation_by_variable'] attribute or the mysql_tuning#interpolation_by_variable resource parameter. This attribute has the following structure: interpolation_by_variable[variable_name]. For example:

node.default['mysql_tuning']['interpolation_by_variable']['key_buffer_size'] = 'catmull'
node.default['mysql_tuning']['interpolation_by_variable']['thread_stack'] = 'proximal'
include_recipe 'mysql_tuning::default'

Using the resource, it would be as follows:

mysql_tuning 'default' do
  interpolation 'linear'
    key_buffer_size: 'catmull',
    thread_stack: 'proximal'

Dynamic Configuration

When there are configuration changes, this cookbook can try to set the configuration values without restarting the MySQL server. The cookbook will go for each variable and try to set it dynamically. If any of the variables cannot be changed, the MySQL server will be restarted.

If your MySQL password is not in the node['mysql']['server_root_password'] attribute, you must use the mysql_tuning resource and set the MySQL user and password to the correct values instead of calling the mysql_tuning::default recipe. For example:

mysql_tuning 'default' do
  mysql_user 'root'
  mysql_password 'PWMzIv4ACtwhbNx9VF8wumsuVIAVVMTzE8$N#,t0'

This code will do the interpolations and generate all the configuration files like the mysql_tuning::default recipe. The user must have SUPER privileges in the MySQL server.

This feature is disabled by default because it is considered a bit experimental. You must set node['mysql_tuning']['dynamic_configuration'] attribute to true to enable it.

Ohai Plugin

The mysql_tuning::ohai_plugin recipe installs an Ohai plugin for MySQL. This recipe will install and activate the plugin automatically.

It will set the following attributes:

  • node['mysql']['installed_version']: Installed MySQL version.

This is an output example:

"mysql": {
  "installed_version": "5.5.38"

Keep in mind that this plugin will not be enabled by the mysql_tuning::default recipe, you need to use the mysql_tuning::ohai_plugin if you want to enable it.


Attribute Default Description
node['mysql_tuning']['system_percentage'] 100 System percentage used for MySQL. Use 100 for MySQL dedicated servers.
node['mysql_tuning']['dynamic_configuration'] false Tries to change the MySQL configuration without restarting the server, setting variable values dynamically See above.
node['mysql_tuning']['interpolation'] 'proximal' Interpolation algorithm to use. Possible values: 'proximal', 'linear', 'cubic', 'bicubic', 'catmull' See above.
node['mysql_tuning']['interpolation_by_variable'] {} Use different interpolation algorithms for some variables See above.
node['mysql_tuning']['recipe'] nil MySQL recipe name, required if not included beforehand.
node['mysql_tuning']['include_dir'] calculated MySQL configuration include directory.
node['mysql_tuning']['mysqld_bin'] calculated MySQL daemon binary path.
node['mysql_tuning']['logging.cnf'] calculated MySQL logging.cnf configuration.
node['mysql_tuning']['tuning.cnf'] calculated MySQL tuning.cnf configuration.
node['mysql_tuning']['configuration_samples'] calculated MySQL configuration samples.
node['mysql_tuning']['old_names'] calculated MySQL configuration variable old names hash. (internal)
node['mysql_tuning']['non_interpolated_keys'] calculated MySQL keys that should not be interpolated. (internal)
node['mysql_tuning']['variables_block_size'] calculated MySQL variables block size. (internal)



Creates MySQL configuration files. Uses the mysql_tuning resource.


Enables MySQL ohai plugin (optional).



Creates MySQL configuration files:

  • tuning.cnf: This configuration file will be calculated from samples.
  • logging.cnf: This configuration file will set some log options, read from node['mysql_tuning']['logging.cnf'].
  • <span>*.cnf</span>: You can create your own configuration files setting them in node['mysql_tuning']["#{filename}.cnf"].

See above for more information.

mysql_tuning Actions

  • create: Creates configuration files.
  • delete: Deletes configuration files.

mysql_tuning Parameters

Parameter Default Description
service_name name attribute MySQL service name, recommended to notify the restarts. See below.
include_dir node['mysql_tuning']['include_dir'] MySQL configuration directory.
interpolation node['mysql_tuning']['interpolation'] MySQL interpolation type used.
interpolation_by_variable {} Use different interpolation algorithms for some variables See above.
configuration_samples node['mysql_tuning']['configuration_samples'] MySQL tuning configuration samples.
mysql_user 'root' MySQL login user.MySQL login user.
mysql_password node['mysql']['server_root_password'] MySQL login password. Required mainly if you enable dynamic configuration and change the default password.
mysql_port node['mysql']['port'] MySQL port.

mysql_tuning Name Parameter

The mysql_tuning resource name is the MySQL Chef service_name, like for example "default" or "mysql_service[default]". In most cases this will be"default"`.

Service type ("mysql_service") is added if not specified, assuming that the official MySQL cookbook is used. The MySQL official cookbook uses "default" as service name by default.

For example, using the official MySQL cookbook:

include_recipe 'mysql::server'

mysql_tuning node['mysql']['service_name']
# This is equivalent to mysql_tuning "default"


Creates a MySQL configuration file.

Restarts the server only when required. Tries to set the configuration without restarting if dynamic enabled.

mysql_tuning_cnf Actions

  • create: Creates the configuration file.
  • delete: Deletes the configuration file.

mysql_tuning_cnf Parameters

Parameter Default Description
filename name attribute Configuration file name.
service_name nil MySQL service name, recommended to notify the restarts.
include_dir node['mysql_tuning']['include_dir'] MySQL configuration directory.
dynamic node['mysql_tuning']['dynamic_configuration'] Whether to enable dynamic configuration. This tries to set the configuration without restarting the server.
values node['mysql_tuning'][filename] Configuration values as Hash.
persist true Whether to create the configuration file on disk.
mysql_user 'root' MySQL login user.
mysql_password node['mysql']['server_root_password'] MySQL login password. Required mainly if you enabled dynamic configuration and changed the default password.
mysql_port node['mysql']['port'] MySQL port.


Including in a Cookbook Recipe

You can simply include it in a recipe, after installing MySQL:

# in your recipe
node.default['mysql_tuning']['tuning.cnf']['mysqld']['table_open_cache'] = 520

include_recipe 'mysql::server'
include_recipe 'mysql_tuning::default'

Don't forget to include the mysql_tuning cookbook as a dependency in the metadata:

# metadata.rb
depends 'mysql'
depends 'mysql_tuning'

Including in the Run List

Another alternative is to include it in your Run List:

  "name": "",
  "normal": {
    "mysql_tuning": {
      "tuning.cnf": {
        "mysql": {
          "table_open_cache": 520
  "run_list": [

Using the mysql_service Resource

In case you want to use the official MySQL cookbook's mysql_service example:

root_password = 'r00t_p4ssw0rd'
debian_password = 'd3b14n_p4ssw0rd'
repl_password = 'r3pl_p4ssw0rd'

mysql_service node['mysql']['service_name'] do
  version node['mysql']['version']
  port node['mysql']['port']
  data_dir node['mysql']['data_dir']
  server_root_password root_password
  server_debian_password debian_password
  server_repl_password repl_password
  allow_remote_root node['mysql']['allow_remote_root']
  remove_anonymous_users node['mysql']['remove_anonymous_users']
  remove_test_database node['mysql']['remove_test_database']
  root_network_acl node['mysql']['root_network_acl']
  action :create

# Pass the credentials to the mysql_tuning resource
mysql_tuning node['mysql']['service_name'] do
  mysql_user 'root'
  mysql_password root_password

Generating and Using Encrypted MySQL Passwords

To save the MySQL passwords encrypted, we need to use the mysql_service and mysql_tuning resources.

In this example we are using the openssl and the encrypted_attributes cookbooks to generate and encrypt the MySQL credentials:

# Include the #secure_password method from the openssl cookbook
Chef::Recipe.send(:include, Opscode::OpenSSL::Password)

# Install Encrypted Attributes gem
include_recipe 'encrypted_attributes'

# Include the Encrypted Attributes cookbook helpers
Chef::Recipe.send(:include, Chef::EncryptedAttributesHelpers)

# We can use an attribute to enable or disable encryption (recommended for tests)
# self.encrypted_attributes_enabled = node['myapp']['encrypt_attributes']

# Encrypted Attributes will be generated randomly and saved in in the
# node['myapp']['mysql'] attribute encrypted.
def generate_mysql_password(user)
  key = "server_#{user}_password"
  encrypted_attribute_write(['myapp', 'mysql', key]) { secure_password }

# Generate the encrypted passwords
mysql_root_password = generate_mysql_password('root')
mysql_debian_password = generate_mysql_password('debian')
mysql_repl_password = generate_mysql_password('repl')

mysql_service node['mysql']['service_name'] do
  version node['mysql']['version']
  port node['mysql']['port']
  data_dir node['mysql']['data_dir']
  server_root_password mysql_root_password
  server_debian_password mysql_debian_password
  server_repl_password mysql_repl_password
  allow_remote_root node['mysql']['allow_remote_root']
  remove_anonymous_users node['mysql']['remove_anonymous_users']
  remove_test_database node['mysql']['remove_test_database']
  root_network_acl node['mysql']['root_network_acl']
  action :create

# Pass the root credentials to the mysql_tuning resource
mysql_tuning node['mysql']['service_name'] do
  mysql_user 'root'
  mysql_password mysql_root_password

Reading Encrypted MySQL Passwords from Chef-Vault

Another secure solution is to read the passwords from a previously generated Chef-Vault bag item. The following example uses the chef-vault cookbook:

# Install chef-vault gem
include_recipe 'chef-vault'

# Read the secret from "dbsecrets" chef-vault
def read_mysql_password(user)
  chef_vault_item('dbsecrets', user)

# Read the encrypted passwords
mysql_root_password = read_mysql_password('root')
mysql_debian_password = read_mysql_password('debian')
mysql_repl_password = read_mysql_password('repl')

mysql_service node['mysql']['service_name'] do
  version node['mysql']['version']
  port node['mysql']['port']
  data_dir node['mysql']['data_dir']
  server_root_password mysql_root_password
  server_debian_password mysql_debian_password
  server_repl_password mysql_repl_password
  allow_remote_root node['mysql']['allow_remote_root']
  remove_anonymous_users node['mysql']['remove_anonymous_users']
  remove_test_database node['mysql']['remove_test_database']
  root_network_acl node['mysql']['root_network_acl']
  action :create

# Pass the root credentials to the mysql_tuning resource
mysql_tuning node['mysql']['service_name'] do
  mysql_user 'root'
  mysql_password mysql_root_password

See the Chef-Vault documentation to learn how to create chef-vault bags.

mysql_tuning::ohai_plugin Recipe Usage Example

In a recipe:

include_recipe 'mysql::server'
include_recipe 'mysql_tuning::ohai_plugin'




Please do not hesitate to open an issue with any questions or problems.




License and Author

Author: Xabier de Zuazo (
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2014, Onddo Labs, SL. (
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

CHANGELOG for mysql_tuning

This file is used to list changes made in each version of the mysql_tuning cookbook.

v0.2.1 (2014-10-19)

  • Add .rubocop.yml.
  • ChefSpec :define_matcher check fix.

v0.2.0 (2014-10-14)

  • mysql_tuning[name] renamed to mysql_tuning[service_name] (breaking change).
  • Fix mysql.cnf.erb file not found error: set cookbook property to the template.
  • Fix mysql_tuning LWRP to pass the MySQL credentials correctly, added the mysql_tuning_test cookbook.
  • Use "default" for mysql_tuning resource name by default.
  • MysqlHelpers::Cnf avoid rounding the variable value if the key should be ignored.
  • Fix CentOS 7 support.
  • Fix FreeBSD integration tests.
  • ::ohai_plugin: avoid setting the group, fix FreeBSD support.
  • Improve MySQL version parsing, fixes CentOS 5.
  • Fix ohai plugin to work with mysql cookbook version 5.5.
  • Fix LWRP resource notifications.
  • Fix RuboCop offenses.
  • FC024: Consider adding platform equivalents.
  • ChefSpec matchers: added helper methods to locate LWRP resources.
  • Add ChefSpec tests for ohai_plugin recipe.
  • ChefSpec updated to 4.1.
  • Add Vagrantfile.
  • Gemfile:
    • Missing utf-8 encoding comment.
    • Updated and refactored to use style, unit and integration groups.
    • Replace vagrant gem by vagrant-wrapper.
    • Berkshelf updated to 3.1.
  • Berkfile: use a generic Berksfile template.
  • Add Guardfile.
  • Rakefile:
    • Only include kitchen if required.
    • Add documentation link.
  • travis.yml: exclude some groups from bundle.
  • spec_helper: set default platform and version.
  • Add license header file to all ruby files.
    • Add example using the mysql_service resource, encrypted attributes and chef-vault.
    • Change tables to use Markdown format.
  • CONTRIBUTING: tests before changes.
  • TODO: use checkboxes.
  • Some small documentation fixes.
  • TESTING: add interpolator gem requirement.

v0.1.1 (2014-07-27)

    • Use hex enttities for "" to avoid replacing it by sup tag.
    • Use code tags for recipe names.
    • README, CONTRIBUTING: some fixes.

v0.1.0 (2014-07-21)

  • Initial release of mysql_tuning.

Foodcritic Metric

0.2.1 passed this metric