cookbook 'libarchive', '= 0.4.0'
The libarchive cookbook has been deprecated
Author provided reason for deprecation:
The libarchive cookbook has been deprecated and is no longer being maintained by its authors. Use of the libarchive cookbook is no longer recommended.
(17) Versions
A library cookbook for extracting archive files
cookbook 'libarchive', '= 0.4.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install libarchive
knife supermarket download libarchive
A library cookbook that provides LWRPs for extracting archive files
Supported Platforms
- Ubuntu
include_recipe "libarchive::default" libarchive_file "my_archive.tar.gz" do path "/path/to/artifact/my_archive.tar.gz" extract_to "/path/to/extraction" owner "reset" group "reset" action :extract end
Include this recipe before leveraging any of the LWRPs provided by this cookbook. It will install the necessary libarchive packages on your node and the necessary libarchive rubygem as a chef_gem.
libarchive_file Resource/Provider
- extract - extracts the contents of the archive to the destination on disk. (default)
Paramter Attributes
- path - filepath to the archive to extract (name attribute)
- owner - set the owner of the extracted files
- group - set the group of the extracted files
- mode - set the mode of the extracted files
- extract_to - filepath to extract the contents of the archive to
- extract_options - an array of symbols representing extraction flags. See extract options below.
Extract Options
- don't overwrite files if they already exist
License and Authors
Author:: Jamie Winsor (