Adoptable Cookbooks List

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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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docker (434) Versions 0.14.0

Provides docker_service, docker_image, and docker_container resources

cookbook 'docker', '= 0.14.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'docker', '= 0.14.0'
knife supermarket install docker
knife supermarket download docker
Quality -%

chef-docker Build Status


Installs/Configures Docker. Please see []( for more information about Docker versions that are tested and supported by cookbook versions along with LWRP features.

This cookbook was inspired by @thoward's docker-cookbook:



  • Ubuntu 12.04
  • Ubuntu 12.10
  • Ubuntu 13.04


Opscode Cookbooks

Third-Party Cookbooks


These attributes are under the node['docker'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
arch Architecture for docker binary (note: Docker only currently supports x86_64) String auto-detected (see attributes/default.rb)
bind_socket Socket path that docker should bind String unix:///var/run/docker.sock
bind_uri TCP URI docker should bind String nil
http_proxy HTTP_PROXY environment variable String nil
install_dir Installation directory for docker binary String auto-detected (see attributes/default.rb)
install_type Installation type for docker ("binary", "package" or "source") String "package"
options Additional options to pass to docker. These could be flags like "-api-enable-cors". String nil

Binary Attributes

These attributes are under the node['docker']['binary'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
version Version of docker binary String latest
url URL for downloading docker binary String auto-detected (see attributes/default.rb)

Package Attributes

These attributes are under the node['docker']['package'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
distribution Distribution for docker packages String auto-detected (see attributes/default.rb)
repo_url Repository URL for docker packages String auto-detected (see attributes/default.rb)

Source Attributes

These attributes are under the node['docker']['source'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
ref Repository reference for docker source String "master"
url Repository URL for docker source String ""


  • recipe[docker] Installs/Configures Docker
  • recipe[docker::aufs] Installs/Loads AUFS Linux module
  • recipe[docker::binary] Installs Docker binary
  • recipe[docker::package] Installs Docker via package
  • recipe[docker::source] Installs Docker via source
  • recipe[docker::upstart] Installs/Starts Docker via Upstart



Run a container:

docker_container "busybox" do
  command "sleep 9999"
  detach true

Run a container from image (docker-registry for example):

docker_container "docker-registry" do
  image "samalba/docker-registry"
  detach true
  hostname "xx.xx.xx.xx"
  port 5000
  env "SETTINGS_FLAVOR=local"
  volume "/mnt/docker:/docker-storage"

Stop a running container:

docker_container "busybox" do
  command "sleep 9999"
  action :stop

Start a stopped container:

docker_container "busybox" do
  command "sleep 9999"
  action :start

Restart a container:

docker_container "busybox" do
  command "sleep 9999"
  action :restart

Remove a container:

docker_container "busybox" do
  command "sleep 9999"
  action :remove


Build image from Dockerfile:

docker_image "myImage" do
  tag "myTag"
  dockerfile myImageDockerfile
  action :build

Build image from remote repository:

docker_image "myImage" do
  image_url ""
  tag "myTag"
  action :build

Pull latest image:

docker_image "busybox"

Pull tagged image:

docker_image "bflad/test" do
  tag "not-latest"

Import image from URL:

docker_image "test" do
  image_url ""
  action :import

Import image from URL with repository/tag information:

docker_image "test" do
  repository "bflad/test"
  tag "not-latest"
  action :import

Remove image:

docker_image "busybox" do
  action :remove


Default Installation

  • Add recipe[docker] to your node's run list

Testing and Development


Here's how you can quickly get testing or developing against the cookbook thanks to Vagrant and Berkshelf.

vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
git clone git://
cd chef-docker
vagrant up BOX # BOX being centos6, debian7, fedora18, fedora19, ubuntu1204, ubuntu1210, or ubuntu1304

You can then SSH into the running VM using the vagrant ssh BOX command.

The VM can easily be stopped and deleted with the vagrant destroy command. Please see the official Vagrant documentation for a more in depth explanation of available commands.

Test Kitchen

Please see documentation in: [](


Please use standard Github issues/pull requests and if possible, in combination with testing on the Vagrant boxes or Test Kitchen suite.



Please see licensing information in: [LICENSE](LICENSE)

Dependent cookbooks

apt >= 0.0.0
git >= 0.0.0
golang >= 0.0.0
lxc >= 0.0.0
modules >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

amazon-ecs-agent Applicable Versions
arcgis-notebooks Applicable Versions
bastion Applicable Versions
cadvisor Applicable Versions
codenamephp_docker Applicable Versions
codenamephp_localmail Applicable Versions
containership Applicable Versions
cookbook-openshift3 Applicable Versions
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.5
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.6
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.7
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.9
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.10
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.12
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.13
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.14
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.15
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.18
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.19
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.20
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.21
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.22
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.23
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.24
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.26
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.27
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.28
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.29
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.32
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.33
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.41
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.42
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.43
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.44
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.45
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.46
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.47
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.48
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.49
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.50
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.51
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.52
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.53
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.54
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.55
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.57
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.58
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.60
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.62
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.63
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.64
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.65
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.66
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.68
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.69
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.71
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.72
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.74
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.75
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.76
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.77
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.82
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.83
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.85
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.86
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.88
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.90
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.0
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.1
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.2
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.3
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.4
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.5
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.6
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.7
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.8
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.9
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.11
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.13
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.14
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.17
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.18
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.19
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.21
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.23
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.24
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.25
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.26
corbel Applicable Versions
dcos Applicable Versions
deis Applicable Versions
docker-docker-registry Applicable Versions
docker-mms Applicable Versions
docker-mongodb Applicable Versions
docker-mongodb-replset-configurator Applicable Versions
docker-nginx Applicable Versions
docker-nodejs Applicable Versions
docker-platform Applicable Versions
docker-pm2 Applicable Versions
docker-python Applicable Versions
docker-redis Applicable Versions
docker2host Applicable Versions
docker_rancher Applicable Versions
docker_registry Applicable Versions
docker_stack Applicable Versions
dokku Applicable Versions
drone Applicable Versions
drone_app Applicable Versions
elite Applicable Versions
etcd Applicable Versions
gliderlabs_registrator Applicable Versions
harbor Applicable Versions
jmccann-docker-host Applicable Versions
kubernetes Applicable Versions
kubernetes-install Applicable Versions
kubernetes-mesos Applicable Versions
mediawiki Applicable Versions
mesos Applicable Versions
mw_php_fpm Applicable Versions
mydocker Applicable Versions
netdevops Applicable Versions
rancher Applicable Versions
rancher-ha Applicable Versions
rancher-ng Applicable Versions
sdlc_structure Applicable Versions
sdlc_structure 0.1.12
sdlc_structure 0.2.1
sdlc_structure 0.3.1
sdlc_structure 0.4.1
sdlc_structure 0.5.1
sdlc_structure 0.6.1
sdlc_structure 0.7.1
sdlc_structure 0.8.1
sdlc_structure 0.9.1
sdlc_structure 0.10.1
sdlc_structure 0.11.1
sdlc_structure 0.12.1
sdlc_structure 0.13.1
sdlc_structure 0.14.2
sdlc_structure 0.15.1
sdlc_structure 0.16.1
sdlc_structure 0.17.1
sdlc_structure 0.18.1
sdlc_structure 0.19.1
sdlc_structure 0.20.1
sdlc_structure 0.21.1
sdlc_structure 0.22.1
sdlc_structure 0.23.1
sdlc_structure 0.24.1
sdlc_structure 0.25.1
sdlc_structure 0.26.1
sdlc_structure 0.27.1
sdlc_structure 0.28.1
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sdlc_structure 0.30.1
sdlc_structure 0.31.1
sdlc_structure 0.32.1
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sdlc_structure 0.119.1
sdlc_structure 0.120.1
sdlc_structure 0.121.1
sdlc_structure 0.122.1
sdlc_structure 0.123.1
sdlc_structure 0.124.1
sdlc_structure 0.125.1
sdlc_structure 0.126.1
sdlc_structure 0.127.1
sdlc_structure 0.128.1
sdlc_structure 0.129.1
sdlc_structure 0.130.1
sdlc_structure 0.131.1
sdlc_structure 0.132.1
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sdlc_structure 0.134.1
sdlc_structure 0.135.1
sdlc_structure 0.136.1
sdlc_structure 0.137.1
sdlc_structure 0.138.1
sdlc_structure 0.139.1
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sdlc_structure 0.153.1
sdlc_structure 0.154.1
sdlc_structure 0.155.1
sdlc_structure 0.156.1
sdlc_structure 0.157.1
singularity Applicable Versions
stack-logger Applicable Versions
swarm Applicable Versions
tfc_agent Applicable Versions
vulcand Applicable Versions
weave Applicable Versions

No quality metric results found